light at the end of the tunnel?!
guess what time it is? why it's time for another life update of course, but it's actually good news for once!
first off, we got approved for the house! 🥳 ... but we got put on the waitlist. not exactly the news we were hoping for, but it's certainly better than getting rejected. secondly, i've almost saved up enough to get a new phone so i can finally stop using this old ass hand-me-down! 🥳 today was definitely the best i've had in a LOOOONG ass time, for sure.
in other news, i've been working on updating the site.. again. nothing too major this time -- i'm changing the homepage layout, and doing some tweaking to the other pages -- but me being me, i take 500 years just to complete 1 tiny section of the page. i also have, like, 3 different blog posts i'm writing up (one of those being my 2nd round of book reviews!), but again, i take a millennium trying to get anything done. life may be getting better, but i remain the same. :P

this post was written by leon @poseur
published on february 22, 2024 @ 7:40pm CST
published on february 22, 2024 @ 7:40pm CST