the fact that it's 2024 already is crazyyyy... old people really are telling the truth when they tell you that life goes by too fast
2023 was "meh": the lows were really, really low, and the high were... well there weren't really that many highs now that i think about it. still way better than 2022 though. i wanna believe that this year will also be better, even if it's just by a smidge. a LOT of things are gonna be changing this year, so that's pretty scary, and the fact that things aren't looking too hot right now isn't making me feel better. i'm just going to try, TRY to keep a semi-positive mindset that things will all work out in the end; that's my goal for the year. and i've never been one to make new year's resolutions so that's how you shit is rough.

乙女のポリシー (MAIDEN'S POLICY [OTOME NO POLICY]) - YOKO ISHIA back in august, i got bored and started looking through all the different apps on my tv and i found this free streaming service (pluto btw). i saw it had a sailor moon channel so i started watching it a bit and then the next thing i knew it ended up reigniting my hyperfixation 😕. ANYWAYS. i really love the message of this song, it helps me get off my lazy ass everyday and work. "there's nothing to be afraid of; it's better to be excited": that's my tagline for 2024 & forever.
NEWTOPIA - LOOSSEMBLE this song is about starting anew in an unfamiliar place; this'll probably be my anthem when i finally start cosmo school. also this song was written by gowon so i have an obligation to stream so my girl can afford a little appetizer from chili's. ☝
もう一度 (ONCE AGAIN [MOU ICHIDO]) - MARIYA TAKEUCHI we share loneliness, we share happiness baaabyyy, let us try agaaaiinn~
so the lyrics are actually about fixing a failing relationship, maybe not really a song fitting for new year's exactly, but i think the lyrics reflect that we can do this if we try! attitude i'm aiming for.

this post was written by leon @poseur
published on january 1, 2024 @ 11:58pm CST
published on january 1, 2024 @ 11:58pm CST