so the other day i F I N A L L Y got to watch bottoms. i waited ~2 weeks after its release so i could go see it on my birthday instead just to find that the only theater near me that was actually playing it was over 2 hours away and that nobody loves me enough to drive me out that far. my laptop broke in july and my ipad about a week ago; i did NOT wanna watch it on my phone so i just begged my mom let me use her laptop instead. ANYWAYS the movie was so damn good. i don't really have anything negative to say about it, at least not anything worth noting. but then again i'm not some pretentious twat who makes being a ~cinephile~ my entire personality, so for me it's: my enjoyment > everything else, and i enjoyed every second of this movie. it's just a very silly, trashy movie that also has some cute & romantic moments for us chick flick girlies, and includes some cool easter eggs and a lot of insane shit going on in the background that'll add to every rewatch. i'm hoping that going forward, we get to see some more absurd lesbian romcoms such as bottoms and classics like d.e.b.s, and but i'm a cheerleader (both of which inspired bottoms, which you can very much tell); aka movies that are tailor-made for me, specifically.
all in all, the movie was very much worth the wait for me, and i'm going to think about it every second of the every day for at least the next 2 months; and i think you should give it a shot, too.

this post was written by leon @poseur
published on september 25, 2023 @ 2:55pm CST
published on september 25, 2023 @ 2:55pm CST